opakowania foliowe worki torby reklamowe opakowania worki foliowe opakowania foliowe torby reklamowe torby reklamowe
opakowania foliowe          
   Worki foliowe

Standard zipper bags

   Worki foliowe

Doypack , Stand up pounch with zipper

   Worki foliowe


   Worki foliowe

Bag with folds on side

   Worki foliowe

Slider bag

   Worki foliowe

Pillow bag

   Worki foliowe

Labels/thermo seals

   Worki foliowe

Fabric headers

   Worki foliowe

Film envelopes

   Worki foliowe

Imprinted films

   Worki foliowe

Labels for fabrics

   Worki foliowe

Drawstring foil bags

   Production profile
Opakowania reklamowe

koperty foliowe tasmy samoprzylepne
worki zamykane

opakowania foliowe
folie reklamowe



opakowania reklamowe
worki foliowe

Products | Labels/thermo seals | Tamper evident label

Tamper evident label

Protect your produkt against unwanted opening!

Hood plays the role of a seal, it is usually the only way of protecting a product. Made from special film, after heating it fits to packaging of different size and shape. The imprint is an additional advertisement or carrier of important information eg manual of a gas bottle.

Their advantages are: safe sealing which reveals any opening attempts, flexibility (for especially difficult to pack products like bottles and jars of sand-glass shape) and profitability. Tamper evident label gives reliability that the product was not opened.

Main applications: food branch (glass packaging protection) and gas (bottles with gas).

Seal may contain:
- imprint under customer’s order (company advertisement)
- perforation (enables removing the seal)
- removal tape with perforation (enables finding the place to remove)
- number and name
- UV protection (cannot be seen by bare eye, only under UV lamp)

NAKŁAD: from 10.000 pcs – clear or white. From 50.000 pcs with imprint 1-2 colours
NADRUK: Imprint 3 colours from 150 kg, CMYK imprint (4 colours) with 500 kg. 100% imprint fo colour according to Pantone possibile. Please add approximately 500PLN/colour for preparing the matrix.
JAK ZAMAWIAĆ: Price depends on quantity, thickness, size, additional options. Lead-time from 7 till 14 days depending on the quantity. Prices are given without VAT (please add 22% VAT).
ROZMIARY: bottles with gas 85x80 white or white with safety instructions. Bottles with water 100x90 mm
Copright (C) 2007 APRIT    handlowy@aprit.com   +4852 3717520   prices PDF